Monthly Archives: August 2019

Paesaggio-5 - Alessandro Antonucci

Alessandro Antonucci – L’ arte come immagine e metodo di conoscenza

Wowogallery presents: Alessandro Antonucci



The work and art

The artistic work of Alessandro Antonucci starts in the 80’s, as soon as he graduates from the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome, where he studies with teachers like Lorenza Trucchi, AldoTurchiaro, Nato Frascà.

His image is tied to themes of memory and nature, continuous inspiration and ideal place of art and life.

Traces of his research are traceable in the “events” and natural phenomena, that the artist love to capture in their essence, reducing to minimun the intervention on them. In this sense his work “registers” the phenomena that occur in the natural elements like the raw soil, the wood, the vegetables and, in general all chemical and phisical alchemies of the materials.

The material he uses are the alabastrine plaster, the raw and cooked soil, the vegetables, the minerals and the photography.

The plaster moulds are the vegetable traces of poetic “encounters”, where natures acquires the value of identity, of knowledge, of transformation.

These processes remain in art pieces which become their intimate and personal testimony.

Found natural elements and objects testify the will to give a new sense to things.

In the series “Intimità delle foglie” (Intimacy of the leafs), the poetic act is to investigate for the non visible part of the leafs, wishing to unveil secret places never seen before.

The artist’s operative modalities are oriented towards the planning of site specific interventions, designed for exposition spaces.

People interested in his work:

Antonio Zimarino, Lucia Zappacosta, Franco Speroni, Antonio Gasbarrini, Adriana Martino, Ivan D’Alberto, Italia Gualtieri, Martina Sconci, Lisa Falone, Paola Ardizzola.