Monthly Archives: September 2018

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Ton Lindhout – My Landscapes – 25 sept/ 31 oct – 2018

My interest in nature and the landscape forms the inspiration for my paintings. In particular, the fleeting impressions and observations from the car, train or plane, as well as my sketches and photographs can lead to a picture. My daily walks through beautiful Emsland often inspire me to put paint to canvas whereby the exact interpretation of the landscape sometimes disappears during the process. I remain fascinated by the possibility of ending up in a completely different imaginary destination whilst working on a painting. I want to show the essence and the ‘layers’ of a landscape and to ask myself why it is as it is, what may have happened there, or whether this particular landscape is doomed to disappear…I like to leave some abstraction in these processes. So that everyone can create a story of their own.

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Last exhbitions:

2016 Galerie Achtzig, Berlin – The Coningsby Gallery, London – Art Nordic, Copenhagen. Workshop Gargano, Italy –  Sala Prado, Ateneo de Madrid. 2015 Biennale Chianciano Terme, Toscany, Price: Special Mention for Excellence (IT). Palm Art Award 2015 Special prize small format. Leipzig. 2014 Workshop San Menaio (IT) – Landesgartenschau, Papenburg (D) – Passages/Pasajes Alteneo, Madrid (SP) – Little Treasures, Gallery De Marchi, Bologna (IT). 2013 San Valentino International exhibition (IT)- Kenny Gallery Galway (IR) – Workshop San Menaio (IT) – Kunsthaus Haren (D)  Passages/Pasajes, Madrid (SP). 2012 San Valentino Exhibition, Vico (IT) – Gallery Flier, Emmen (NL) Kunsthaus Haren (D) – Solo expositie Arti-shock, Rijswijk (NL) – Little Treasures, Bologna (IT) – Workshop San Menaio (IT). 2011 Fort Lauderdale (Florida USA) – Little Treasures, Bologna (IT) – International Painting Exhibition, Istanbul (T). Biennale Chianciano Terme (IT) Gallery Sigvardson, Rødby (DAN) – ARTevent , Assen (NL).

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