Category Archives: Penne (PE) – Italy


Maria Cristina Limido – Portraits


Maria Cristina L was born in Legnano  (Milan) on 17.06.55

She gets a degree in foreign languages and has been working as an interpreter and translator.  At the same time, she enters an atelier of a local painter which she has been attending for 3 years.

Then she specializes in pastel technique and in artistic anatomy. She has been attending for 3 years the H School of fine arts in Milan where she gets a degree in painting techniques.

The start of her artistic trial is related to German expressionism. D colour and fast brushstrokes, a dramatic representation of reality with suffering subjects.

T period is oriented more to the description of reality; in this period she specializes in oil technique.

Finally, in these last years, she is trying to personalize real subjects by filtering them through her unconscious and fantasy completely new image to create emotion.

S oil, acrylic, watercolour, pastel, coal and mixed technique.

She is also a ceramist and utilizes ceramics in installation works, too.

She is a teacher of drawing and painting and President at Centro Artecultura Bustese.

Now she is also Vice President of AAL Associazione Artistica Legnanese






4-11maggio 2002 Villa Gonzaga – Olgiate Olona

26 maggio 7 giugno 2002 Comune di Cerro Maggiore

28-30 giugno 2002 Villa Rusconi – Rescaldina

15-28 febbraio 2003 Centro d’arte S. Magno – Legnano

21-25 febbraio 2003 Istituto E: Fermi – Castellanza

20-31 maggio 2003 Esposizione e premiazione

Accademia Internazionale di Arte Moderna

Roma – Residenza Montemario Roma

19-20 settembre 2003 Cascina Monluè – Milano

Novembre 2003 Arci – Jail – Legnano

10-25 gennaio 2004   Villa Pomini – Castellanza

 4-10 aprile 2004 Spazio espositivo Comune di Dairago – Mi –

9-17 luglio 2005 Sala Enea – Villa Litta  Lainate

10 dicembre 2006 ARTI GRAFICHE E PITTORICHE  Spazio Espositivo Ex Borletti Canegrate

24-30 giugno 2008 Galleria– Centro  Storico di Menaggio 

16-23 giugno 2009 Galleria  – Centro  Storico di Menaggio

5-17 marzo 2010 Sala Mostre Pro Loco Sesto Calende 

29 maggio 11 giugno 2010 Sala Mostre Pro Loco Gallarate

5 -12 luglio 2010 Galleria Centro Storico di Menaggio

17-24 luglio 2010 Sala Mostre Centro Storico Radda in Chianti

Agosto 2010 L a Schiranna Varese

14-20 settembre 2010             Galleria di via Roma  Follonica

5 dicembre -26 aprile 2011 Ristorante Acino Brillo Roma

26 aprile – 5 maggio 2011 Sala Mostre Pro Loco Sesto Calende

14 – 21giugno 2011 Galleria  Centro Storico Menaggio

15-30 luglio 2011                                          Galleria Eventi Grosseto

1 febbraio – 30 aprile 2012 Esposizione Galleria Pzza Mercato Varzi

10 – 17 giugno 2012 Galleria Comunale  Castiglion della Pescaia

22 – 29 giugno 2012 Galleria Comunale  comune di Tremezzo

Giugno 2014 Boh!  Milano  Quartiere della Moda

1 a- 31 Dicembre 2014 Ristorante La Marianna Tremezzo

Dicembre 2015                                             Spazio Studio Grooming Legnano

Dal 21 al 28 agosto 2018 Galleria di Piazza Garibaldi  Menaggio

Dal 5 al 13 ottobre 2019 Spazio Arte Carlo Farioli  Busto Arsizio

Dal 2 al 26 febbraio 2023 Spazio AZIMUT Gallarate

Dal 11 al 26 febbraio 2023 Atelier Ferioli Legnano




CAB CENTRO ARTE CULTURA BUSTESE 2015 – 2016 -2017 – 2018 – 2019 – 2021 – 2022 – 2023


Circuiti Dinamici MILANO                                          Galleria Via A. Giovanola 21 Milano 2018 – 2023

La riseria – Novara               2018/2019

TEXPOART Triennale Arte Tessile2023




Patrizia Ingiostro Saccoman – Color dreams

Patrizia Saccoman was born in magical Venice in 1963, where her passion for art was immediately evident, thanks to her grandfather Candido Attilio Saccoman, an important art collector. She moves to Pescara, where she continues to cultivate her passion for art. Today collaborates with the world of interior design, as well as in the design of outdoor spaces and sculptures and with various galleries in Rome and Venice. She follows her creativity without conditions and boundaries, fishing in the soul, in a constantly evolving research, experimenting with different techniques. In her paintings, dreams and memory predominate, in a vibrant world, full of colors in evolution, parallel and suspended, just like it happens in dreams.

Maia Ramishvili – The Myth of Medea


“In the 1990s of the 20th-century decorative trends break in Georgian fine arts with new expositions and potency. ornamentalism comes as one of the determinants in an artistic manner and in emotional influence over the spectator. The compound of Georgian artistic experience and European tradition provides a various and fascinating capacity of creativeness in this space\field. Maya Ramishvili is one of the artists, who’s art helped the two origins confluence and create an expressive world, distinguished with aesthetics and harmony. Her style is dominated by feminine topics, mostly female figures depicted with a harmonious mixture of elegance and simplicity.  Her works are kept in private collections in Georgia, Turkey, Germany, UK, Israel, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, USA.”
The List of Exhibitions:

2013 “Vanda Art Gallery”, Tbilisi, Georgia. – 2011  ”Art Gallery Line”, Tbilisi, Georgia – 2009  “Spring Exhibition”, California, USA  –  2008  ”Spring 2008”, Noho, California  –  2008  “Winter 2008” Noho, California  –  2007  ”Art Gallery Line”, Tbilisi, Georgia  –  2007 ”Triptych Gallery”, Kyiv, Ukraine  – 2007  “Art-Expo Las Vegas” Nevada, USA  2007   “Affordable Art Fair”, London, Great Britain  –   2007   “Art Manege”, Moscow, Russia  –  2005   ”Art Ireland”, Dublin, Ireland  –  2005   “Chelsea Art Fair”, London, Great Britain – 2005   Embassy of Georgia in London, Great Britain  –  2004   ”Elit Gallery”, Tbilisi, Georgia – 2002   Gallery ”HAY HILL”, Solo Exhibition, London, Great Britain


wilma petruccinudofeminile

Wilma Petrucci – my art

Wilma Petrucci was born in Penne in 1947. She is living between Bologna and Penne. She attended the School of Art in Penne, the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna and the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, developing a training and experimentation path in the art of painting and engraving. The passion for art has always accompanied his search to represent reality in the freedom of the shapes and colors of the fantasy guided by his own feelings.

wilma petrucci

natura morta



The 4 elements – Patrizia D’Addazio – 7/5 till 30/6/2019

IMG_5444webPatrizia D'Addazio, a goldsmith artist, trained in the Metals and Goldsmith section at the Penne Art Institute, and today has made her passion in her profession. From a very young age, she is noted for her creations and embossed and chiseled works, receiving awards for the creation of jewels whose originality is characterized by daring combinations between the preciousness of gold and the millenary strength of olive wood. Able to renew the goldsmith tradition by stealing lines and harmonies from nature, it creates unique pieces and amulets with a strong emotional and timeless impact.

4 elements
The idea was to bring the concept of the 4 elements of nature back into 4 distinct rings of a common material matrix that recall the essence of the individual elements. Transmitting the vibrant lightness of the air, the bright heat of the fire, the solid inertia of the earth and the fluid dynamism of the water was the great challenge of this work. Research, study of materials and gems were the companions of this new and exciting creative journey.

Geir Floede – Background and foreground –

Wowogallery presentes the Norwegian photographer Geir Floede. 

geir floede

geir floede

I try to create motion in my pictures. Even when the motives stand still. I want some kind of movement. On most of these photos , I ‘ve tried to let the background come to the same level as the foreground and the samethe vice versa. Sometimes you may even feel that the background is in front of the foreground. We always try to create logical contexts, and when an image does not provide this answer, the eye will look fro different explanations. The hope is that even stagnant motivs like trees in the forest get the sense of motion. My images often have a surrealistic touch. I do not want my photos to give any answers, but I hope the viewer can create their own image inside their own mind.

Please visit his wensite:

instagram : Geirfloede

Facebook : Geir flode photography


geir floede

geir floede


Along Penne streets – 01/08 – 31/08/2018

Three years have passed since the first time we appeared on this wall. Three years in which we showed on our wall many artists from all part of the world. Three years of constant commitment, always looking for new goad. We just have to wish you a good walk through the streets of Penne, along this exhibition traveling, looking for yours favorite artists.


1-Bar Centrale: Paolo Iammarone Riccardo Lucidi 2-Bar dei Pini: Eric Wallis 3-Pasticceria Dolci Pensieri: Laura Facchini 4-Farmacia Filipponi: George Nobechi 5-Bar Belvedere: Miki Degni 6-Assicurazioni Frasca Francesco: Paul Critchley 7-Tabacchi De Fabritiis Daniele: Heiter Freitas 8-Bar Tibo: Francesco di Pasquantonio 9-Bar Malu’: Michael Critchley 10-Gelateria Conamore: Alison Thomas 11-Gelateria La Regina: Catherine Hiller 12-Pizzeria Ex Officine: Renato Ventoso



Giove -ph Marco Guidi

Marco Guidi – Observing the sky. Dal 20-06 al 31-07-2018

Marco Guidi has been fond of astronomy since adolescence and was an astrophotographer of the solar system since 2004.

Venere - ph. Marco Guidi

Venere – ph. Marco Guidi

The self-construction of his telescopes has been with him for many years and led him to realize the computerized 60cm f / 3.5 Newton reflector he currently uses. He has had important national and international awards including 2 images published on the cover of the magazine ” Astronomy UAI ”, his image of the storm on Saturn was one of the best 12 images published on the book donated by the UAI to ‘ then President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano.

Saturno - ph. Marco Guidi

Saturno – ph. Marco Guidi

The most important recognition is dated November 26, 2014 consisting of the publication on the official website APOD NASA (American space agency) of an image depicting the occultation of a moon of Jupiter by a second Jovian moon . He was one of the 30 astrophotographers to whom NASA has asked to photograph Jupiter in the JUNO program . Currently he is dedicating himself to the photograph of the solid surface of Venus, not visually visible, at a wavelength of 1020nm (thermal emission) He lectures around Italy on the themes of high-resolution photography and related issues.


Additionally, astronomical binoculars tend to have lower magnification because more doesn’t help; you get a bigger field of view and a larger… Other numerous planetary images can be found on his personal website

Giove -ph Marco Guidi

Giove -ph Marco Guidi

Women at Horseshoe Bend - Arizona

George Nobechi – Moments of Serenity: Usa and Japan

George Nobechi

The United States of America and Japan, once enemies, now allies, are known for different types of scenery. We associate America with grand landscapes and Japan with small temples and gardens, but we can find quiet moments in both.  In the troubled times in which we live, it is important to be able to find moments of serenity no matter where we are.


George Nobechi is a Tokyo-born photographer. He graduated from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver with a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in History/International Relations. In 2008 he embarked in a solo journey around the world in order to find peace with the early death of his father. It was at this time that his interest in photography began.



In 2015, Nobechi studied photography under former National Geographic photographer Sam Abell, who encouraged him to pursue photography. Since then he has continued to journey freely while making his signature style quiet photographs. Nobechi has taught photography at American School in Japan (ASIJ), the British School in Tokyo, Hastings College in Nebraska, and for the Santa Fe Photographic Workshop in New Mexico, USA .He has been awarded in many juried shows and has been featured in many photographic exhibitions around the world.


We refer you to his site for more information:

pittura con vino rosso su carta Amalfi by Miki Degni

Miki Degni – the artist who painting with red wine

Miky Degni
Miki Degni

Miki Degni

Miki Degni for years works on the concept art-communication as an alternative vehicle to classic advertising, similar to manchester billboards. He works at the same time as art director, graphic designer and artist mixing graphic, photography, painting and design, proposing to the market a unique style that has made his work an unmistakable brand. The idea of painting with wine was born at the request of  an Italian winery which asked for a different advertising from the usual. Since then Miki, has organized several exhibitions and happenings with this particular technique.

The series of paintings “Drunk” is made with the technique of wine painting, exclusively with Nero d’avola on the precious  Amalfi paper.


Miki Degni

Miki Degni

Miki started hs career in 1980 when he joined an American multinational company starting to work as a designer and later as a graphic designer. He will remain in that company for ten years, at the same time he also worked as free Lance for various advertising agencies as art director

Miki Degni

Miki Degni


In 1990 opens Segnidegni in the heart of  Milan, and begins to accumulate customers and experiences that will lead me to collaborate with companies such as: Adidas, Alexander Museum, Bourbon, Carrier, municipality of Milan, Citroen, Ericsson , hospital G. Ramazzini, Toshiba, Bocconi University and others. With these companies has the opportunity to express myself in total freedom of expression. But experimentation remains my search engine.

Miki Degni

Miki Degni with his message: Support living artists, dead ones don’t need it.

 24 December – 20 February 2018
Via Castiglione 2
Penne – Pe –