Tag Archives: wowogallery


Patrizia Ingiostro Saccoman – Color dreams

Patrizia Saccoman was born in magical Venice in 1963, where her passion for art was immediately evident, thanks to her grandfather Candido Attilio Saccoman, an important art collector. She moves to Pescara, where she continues to cultivate her passion for art. Today collaborates with the world of interior design, as well as in the design of outdoor spaces and sculptures and with various galleries in Rome and Venice. She follows her creativity without conditions and boundaries, fishing in the soul, in a constantly evolving research, experimenting with different techniques. In her paintings, dreams and memory predominate, in a vibrant world, full of colors in evolution, parallel and suspended, just like it happens in dreams.

Maia Ramishvili – The Myth of Medea


“In the 1990s of the 20th-century decorative trends break in Georgian fine arts with new expositions and potency. ornamentalism comes as one of the determinants in an artistic manner and in emotional influence over the spectator. The compound of Georgian artistic experience and European tradition provides a various and fascinating capacity of creativeness in this space\field. Maya Ramishvili is one of the artists, who’s art helped the two origins confluence and create an expressive world, distinguished with aesthetics and harmony. Her style is dominated by feminine topics, mostly female figures depicted with a harmonious mixture of elegance and simplicity.  Her works are kept in private collections in Georgia, Turkey, Germany, UK, Israel, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, USA.”
The List of Exhibitions:

2013 “Vanda Art Gallery”, Tbilisi, Georgia. – 2011  ”Art Gallery Line”, Tbilisi, Georgia – 2009  “Spring Exhibition”, California, USA  –  2008  ”Spring 2008”, Noho, California  –  2008  “Winter 2008” Noho, California  –  2007  ”Art Gallery Line”, Tbilisi, Georgia  –  2007 ”Triptych Gallery”, Kyiv, Ukraine  – 2007  “Art-Expo Las Vegas” Nevada, USA  2007   “Affordable Art Fair”, London, Great Britain  –   2007   “Art Manege”, Moscow, Russia  –  2005   ”Art Ireland”, Dublin, Ireland  –  2005   “Chelsea Art Fair”, London, Great Britain – 2005   Embassy of Georgia in London, Great Britain  –  2004   ”Elit Gallery”, Tbilisi, Georgia – 2002   Gallery ”HAY HILL”, Solo Exhibition, London, Great Britain


wilma petruccinudofeminile

Wilma Petrucci – my art

Wilma Petrucci was born in Penne in 1947. She is living between Bologna and Penne. She attended the School of Art in Penne, the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna and the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, developing a training and experimentation path in the art of painting and engraving. The passion for art has always accompanied his search to represent reality in the freedom of the shapes and colors of the fantasy guided by his own feelings.

wilma petrucci

natura morta


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Ton Lindhout – My Landscapes – 25 sept/ 31 oct – 2018

My interest in nature and the landscape forms the inspiration for my paintings. In particular, the fleeting impressions and observations from the car, train or plane, as well as my sketches and photographs can lead to a picture. My daily walks through beautiful Emsland often inspire me to put paint to canvas whereby the exact interpretation of the landscape sometimes disappears during the process. I remain fascinated by the possibility of ending up in a completely different imaginary destination whilst working on a painting. I want to show the essence and the ‘layers’ of a landscape and to ask myself why it is as it is, what may have happened there, or whether this particular landscape is doomed to disappear…I like to leave some abstraction in these processes. So that everyone can create a story of their own.

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Last exhbitions:

2016 Galerie Achtzig, Berlin – The Coningsby Gallery, London – Art Nordic, Copenhagen. Workshop Gargano, Italy –  Sala Prado, Ateneo de Madrid. 2015 Biennale Chianciano Terme, Toscany, Price: Special Mention for Excellence (IT). Palm Art Award 2015 Special prize small format. Leipzig. 2014 Workshop San Menaio (IT) – Landesgartenschau, Papenburg (D) – Passages/Pasajes Alteneo, Madrid (SP) – Little Treasures, Gallery De Marchi, Bologna (IT). 2013 San Valentino International exhibition (IT)- Kenny Gallery Galway (IR) – Workshop San Menaio (IT) – Kunsthaus Haren (D)  Passages/Pasajes, Madrid (SP). 2012 San Valentino Exhibition, Vico (IT) – Gallery Flier, Emmen (NL) Kunsthaus Haren (D) – Solo expositie Arti-shock, Rijswijk (NL) – Little Treasures, Bologna (IT) – Workshop San Menaio (IT). 2011 Fort Lauderdale (Florida USA) – Little Treasures, Bologna (IT) – International Painting Exhibition, Istanbul (T). Biennale Chianciano Terme (IT) Gallery Sigvardson, Rødby (DAN) – ARTevent , Assen (NL). http://www.tonlindhout.com https://www.facebook.com/ton.lindhout.1

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Agosto in Abruzzo

Fabiana di Pasquale, Luca di Giovanni,  Germano Capponi,  Lorenzo Giorgi,  Leo Perdini



A tribute to Abruzzo with five photographers. There is no presumption of exhaustiveness, only the different artist sensitivity to distinguish the Images and the perspectives. It is an invitation to discover, explore, and browse our territory rich in contradictions but lavish with emotions.




Luca di Giovanni - Lago di Barrea

Luca di Giovanni – Lago di Barrea

Germano Capponi

Germano Capponi

Lorenzo Giorgi - Costa dei Trabocchi

Lorenzo Giorgi – Costa dei Trabocchi