Tag Archives: cerro maggiore


Vittoriano Ferioli

I developed my extensive work mainly in the field of graphics and advertising. But since 1988 I felt the need to give space to a more personal expressiveness, as far away as possible from commercial and industrial commissions, and so since then my ‘doing’ has also been accompanied by personal artistic activity. Everyday life, words, and environments are the themes that most stimulate me when I think of art that marks the present, which is a sign of the contemporary context. An art that films the time I live in because what I draw or paint in 1990 is not the same as in 2022 but is part of a portion of time, of my experience. Like the drawing depicted here in the centre of the poster entitled: ‘Untitled’. In the 19th or 16th century there were no untitled works, they appeared with abstractionism, at the beginning of the 20th century, and it was a usage that developed in the 1950s and 1960s when I was beginning to ‘walk’ through life. So the other works are also glimpses of everyday life: the many thoughts while taking a shower, the day after a Cèzanne retrospective, getting ready for a date or in the kitchen for a dinner with friends. The landscape has been a theme for hundreds of artists, I simply change the landscape of everyday life, proposing a new vision of it.



List of exhibitions
1988: Milan “Il Profumo del Bollito” first personal exhibition in the Hall of the Porta Romana Theatre – 1994: San Vittore Olona “Evocando” Personal exhibition in Nando’s Shop. – 1995: Mezzago (MB) “Cravatte e Tagliatelle” Personal Exhibition at Bloom Circolo Sociale – 1996: Castellanza “Soffritto” Personal Exhibition at Villa Pomini – 1996: Busto Arsizio “Apriscatole” Collective Exhibition – 1997: Mezzago (MB) “Gira L’Arte” Collective Exhibition with installations displayed in the village. – 1998: Legnano inaugurated URKA! Micro exhibition space at Circolone, for 5 years I organise personal and collective exhibitions until 2002 – 1999: Legnano “Incontra ’99 ” Collective – 2000: Milan Collective at the “Scoglio di Quarto” Gallery – 2001: Legnano Personal exhibition in the OfficinaIdee shop – 2004: Legnano I organise a collective exhibition “Se questo è un Uomo”, Palazzo Leone da Perego – 2007: Cerro Maggiore “Segno & Colore” Exhibition with Zaffaroni, D’Auria and Bianchi – A long pause absorbed by the work of advertising graphic designer, until … – 2017: Lecco Pescarenico “Spaziando” Personal at Spazio Arte – 2018: Lainate “Tavoli da mangiare” at Villa Litta – 2019 : Legnano Sede AVIS personal exhibition entitled “Lockdown” – 2022 : I inaugurate the ATELIER FERIOLI 2004: Legnano I organise a collective exhibition “Se questo è un Uomo”, Palazzo Leone da Perego 2007: Cerro Maggiore ” Segno & Colore “Exhibition with Zaffaroni, D’Auria and Bianchi A long pause absorbed by the work of advertising graphic designer, until … 2017: Lecco Pescarenico ” Spaziando” Personal exhibition at Spazio Arte 2018: Lainate ” Tavoli da mangiare” at Villa Litta 2019 : Legnano Sede AVIS personal exhibition entitled ” Lockdow” 2022 : Inauguration of the ATELIER FERIOLI